哪里可用薄膜電容濕度傳感器?• Most normal relative humidity measurements 常規濕度測量
• In temperatures of -60 ...+180 ° C 溫度范圍 -60 ...+180 ° C
• In humidities 0...100 %RH (with some exceptions in high humidities) 濕度范圍 0...100 %RH( 某些型號除外 )
• In processes without any high concentrations of corrosive gases and/or solvents 沒有高濃度腐蝕性氣體或溶劑的場合
• In combined high temperature/high humidity (e.g. +100 ° C/95 %RH); more frequent calibration required. 高溫且高濕場合 ( 例如, +100 ° C/95 %RH) ;需要經常校準。
• When the process contains high concentrations of corrosive gases and/or solvents. 流程含有腐蝕性氣體或溶劑。